What a great weekend! It was such a nice break from the terrible winter weather, and I had a really awesome time. On the first day, we took a ferry to a nearby island, explored, and spent some time just lying on the beach. It turned out to be a pretty low-key day. It's not really tourist season yet so we had the island pretty much to ourselves, which was cool.
The next day we went back to the main island where we took in some cultural sites and did some shopping. That night was my friend Scott's birthday so we ended up having a really crazy night of karoake and clubbing. Some very funny memories were made involving my own unique rendition of Christina Aguilera's "Dirty", a few incoherent text messages, and a missing bag of vomit (yuck!).
On our last day, we decided to rent a car and drove to the peace memorial devoted to all those who died during the Battle of Okinawa in WWII. It was a really beautiful site with a really disturbing history. I wish I had a picture to post, but unfortunately my camera decided to stop working halfway through the trip. It was definitely a site worth seeing, despite all the horrendous things that happened there.
So now I'm back in cold, cold Gunma. This was the first chance I've had to travel with other JETs, and it was definitely one of the highlights of my experience so far. In just 3 more weeks, I'll be reunited with Adam again in cold, cold Ottawa. Hurray!